


News in Axereal slovakia's soybean portfolio


Our varieties are of very good characteristics offering multiple advantages for producers such as a high protein level, oil content and high yields capacities. We are paying special attention to seed purity and offering a guarantee of quality soybean seed. In our portfolio we have :

  • Betty (00) is a variety of soybean with very good characteristics. Earlier and rapid initial growth. Popular among growers for its multiple advantages such as its high protein level and its oil content. This variety is suitable for organic production. Cultivated in the warmest area of Balkans.
  • Sakuza (00), early with exceptional yields. very good distribution of branches and pods. Its high content of protein and its strong resistancy to lodging.
  • Sefora (0/00) is a new variety of soybean, with high yields, high plasticity in our areas and its strong resistancy to lodging.
  • Albator (00), high yields, good quality for feed and food and and high protein content. Tolerant to Pendiméthaline and Metobromuron
  • Maestral (000), very earlier, 125-day vegetation period, high yields and adapt for tardively sowing or double crop

We buy soybean crops after harvest, store them in our audited silos and sell the proven GMO-free crops to our domestic and international customers.

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